Man you love trying to make this shit about race huh?

My opinions have nothing to do with race.  They do however have to do 
with commitment, culture, education and even ideology.

The difference with mine, and that taken towards minorities in the past 
is that it would be color blind.

Arnie was raised in Austria by a former Nazi.  McCain was raised by a 
U.S. military officer, if you don't think their educations and 
environments were very different, and you don't think that has anything 
to do with the people they end up being, well I think you're wrong.

I would basically have to write a book to explain my politics, and to be 
honest, I think over the years we've had enough different topics on here 
that you pretty much know where I would stand on something out the box. 
  We are no longer this new nation founded on the backs of dead Indians 
and slaves.  We've moved past it, modernized our system of government to 
be more inclusive.  I happen to think we've gone to far now.

I don't feel guilt over something someone else did hundreds of years 
ago.  I want whats best for my nation, I am after all a proud 
nationalist.  Yes even at the expense of other nations, they aren't my 
people.  My people are those legal citizens of this nation, regardless 
of race color or creed.  My concerns are whats best for us.  No one 
else.  I'm anti globalist, anti UN, anti world bank, imf, nafta all of it.

I believe in free, not fair trade, my method of doing this would be to 
levy the exact same tariffs and taxes against foreign nations as they do 
against us.

I believe in national defense, and believe that we should defend the 
economy as well.  I believe that where ever an American is killed we 
should instantly declare total war.  That we should not only be the 
toughest kid on the block, but the most feared.

I think that oil is of national security importance and have no problem 
fighting, killing and if need be dying for it.

I don't believe in the rules of land warfare.  I follow them, because 
they are legal orders, but I think trying to civilize war is a losing 
proposition.  Especially when you consider that other than our former 
enemies in Europe, no one else follows the rules.

I believe in limited government.  One that doesn't interfere in your 
life, doesn't tax your wages, doesn't tell you what you can put in or do 
with your body, or that of another consenting adult.

I believe in states rights, that the highest law enforcement officer 
should be the county sheriff.  That probably 90 or more percent of our 
government is unconstitutional and should be done away with.

I believe in being self sufficient, responsible for no one but those you 

I don't believe in wealth redistribution.  I don't believe in zoning.  I 
don't believe in eminent domain.  I hate the "drug war".  Medicaid, 
Medicare, and social security disgust me.

I'm against public schools, at least at state level or higher.  I don't 
think the federal government should be involved in education, the arts, 
communications, or anything not specifically mentioned in the 
constitution, which would limit it to interstate and international 
trade, and the common defense.

In the end I know that no government here or abroad are going to meet my 
own ideological standards, but the government we have comes closest to 
what I want.  This is my nation.

Larry Lyons wrote:
> Neither was born on American soil. While McCain had no choice about his 
> citizenship, Schwarzenegger chose to become a US citizen. It seems to me that 
> making an active choice is a better indicator of a commitment than when you 
> just stumble into it via an accident of birth.
> As for second class citizens, well what's the difference between that 
> approach and the one taken with various minorities in the past?
> It would seem to me that citizenship is binary proposition, you either a 
> citizen or you are not. No secondary or teriary degrees of citizenship.
> Anything less opens the door to a variety of problems. For instance someone 
> who is a member of any unpopular group, based on religion, race or ethnicity, 
> could be disenfranchised and become a non-person. Its happened in the past in 
> Europe (i.e., Germany and Russia) and in the US, eg., the internment of 
> citizens of Japanese decent 66 years ago for instance. Or the treatment of 
> black citizens for the last 140 years for that matter. 
>> Arnold was born to Austrian parents.  McCain was born to a military 
>> officer serving abroad, if you can't see the difference than I don't 
>> know what to tell you.
>> I don't have a problem with 2nd class citizens, I believe in staged 
>> citizenship, I've said so many times before, and would support a system 
>> like that proposed by Heinlein.
>> Larry Lyons wrote:

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