> tBone wrote:
> Ok, we did huge amounts of damage to AQ in Afghanistan.  They did move
> on to Iraq,

No.  We did damage to them in Afghanistan and then created a nice cozy
bed for them to both recruit and operate out of Iraq by removing the
natural selection environment that had been in place.  AQ in Iraq is a
creation of George Bush.

> I agree that we need to get involved in Pakistan, however the internal
> political environment there makes it a very difficult environment to
> operate in.

And what's the fear again? Because, if I'm understanding you, here's
what you're saying:

* We invaded and now own a muslim country that we knew would turn into
a powder keg, and, oh, where AQ didn't exist.  The people who attacked
our homeland.

* But we can't invade Pakistan because it's a muslim country that
we'll own and it'll be a powder keg and oh, btw, we KNOW not only AQ
exists there but is using it as a command and control center and Bin
Laden is there.

> The ability to begin draw downs in Iraq is tied directly to the surge,

So who the hell ever thought that more troops wouldn't bring down
violence?  Fired generals have been saying that since 2002 along with
shitloads of democrats.  What was said would fail was that a surge
would effect the Iraqi political solution that we've all been waiting
for and it did.  It failed.  THere's no Iraqi political solution.

But, yeah, I've been saying we need to throw 500,000 troops at Iraq
and shut the fucker down.  From where would these troops come from?  A
coalition of forces.  People have been saying that for 5 fucking

Including generals that were fired before an american boot ever touch
Iraqi sand.

More troops = more control was a Shinseki/Powell idea back in 2002.

FURTHER.  The difference between Obama and McCain on Iraq is this:

* The strategic objective for McCain is to stay in Iraq.  That's it.
Period.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Stay.  That's a state of being,
not a strategy to "win".

* The strategic objective for Obama is to leave Iraq and use the
troops to attack Al Quaeda.  This objective is fully supported by

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