>I have no idea who to believe any longer. The polls are all over the place -
>+1 to +14 for Obama. I don't trust the average of polls, either.

Remember how the election system works, most states use a winner take all 
approach to the electoral college, so at this point you need to look at the 
state by state polls. 

That said it looks like McCain has lost another Republican stronghold. 

Election 2008
Poll: McCain Lost Key Rural Support In Early October

by Howard Berkes

NPR.org, October 23, 2008 · Republican John McCain was doing so poorly among a 
key voter group during the first three weeks of October, it seemed unlikely he 
could capture the presidency.

That's what a newly released survey indicates.

The poll of 841 likely voters in rural counties in battleground states was 
conducted during a three-week period from October 1-21. Rural voters were 
instrumental in the election and re-election of President Bush, and big 
Republican margins in rural areas are considered critical to a John McCain 
victory next month.

The survey had Democrat Barack Obama slightly ahead, 46 to 45 percent, among 
the rural voters polled. That's a statistical dead heat during the survey 

"That is really bad news for John McCain. If the rural vote is essentially 
split in these swing states, then John McCain is certain to lose," says Seth 
McKee, a political scientist at the University of South Florida in St. 
Petersburg. McKee specializes in rural voting patterns.

"In 2004, George Bush won the rural parts of the battleground [states] by 15 
points," notes Anna Greenberg, the Democratic pollster who conducted the 
bipartisan survey. "It was his base, and he got a massive amount of voters to 
turn out in those battleground states. It drove his victory."

But in 2008, Greenberg says, "John McCain is struggling just to win the rural 
vote in the battleground. That was supposed to be his base. If he can't win the 
rural battleground with substantial margins … it seems very unlikely that he 
can win this election."

Republican media consultant Bill Greener was part of the bipartisan polling 
team, but he has a different analysis of the survey results. He sees the 
three-week period of the survey as distinct from the two weeks remaining in the 

"What the survey indicates is that there was defection among rural voters 
largely on economic issues," Greener says. "And if that [continues] to be the 
case, then Sen. McCain would face a tremendous challenge to prevail on Election 
Day. That's what the three-week data shows you."

But more recent and shorter surveys generally show a tighter race, Greener 
says, and that means McCain likely is doing better among rural voters than the 
rural poll indicates.

A new Associated Press-GfK survey, for example, shows how complicated this mix 
of polling data can get. The AP-GfK survey spanned five days (October 16-20) 
and included likely rural voters. They favored McCain by 18 points. But those 
voters were from all states, not just battleground states, where the race is 
tighter by definition. They identified themselves as urban, suburban or rural, 
instead of being classified by pollsters based on their actual location and 
accepted definitions of rural. Some "rural" respondents were possibly suburban 
or exurban. And fewer than 270 likely rural voters were included in the 
five-day survey — a relatively small sample size that greatly increases the 
margin of error.

The three-week rural survey found that 49 percent of respondents favored Obama 
on the issue of the economy, compared with 40 percent for McCain. Obama was 
trusted by slightly more people on the issue of taxes and on the nation's 
financial crisis.

McCain "is a loser on the most important issue," McKee says. Obama "has a 9 
percentage-point lead on the economy. So he's got a comfortable lead on the 
issue that's going to drive this election more than any other."

Greener is not giving up on McCain's chances among rural voters. "I absolutely 
believe he has a chance to win," Greener says emphatically. "Sen. McCain has to 
continue to grow his support among rural voters and hold that support."

The survey indicated that the Arizona senator's strength lies in his approach 
to the war in Iraq. More than half of the respondents said McCain would do a 
better job with the situation in Iraq.

Respondents offered mixed messages about Obama's ability to be president. 
Fifty-three percent agreed with the statement that Obama "has what it takes to 
be president." But about half also agreed with the statement that there are 
"just too many questions to take a chance on him as president," and that the 
Illinois senator "lacks experience necessary to be president."

The survey did not ask about moral values, gun control, abortion or gay rights, 
which were key issues for many rural voters in the past two presidential 

There was one question about McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin. The Alaska 
governor has bolstered McCain's support among conservative rural voters. In a 
rural battleground survey last month, 48 percent of the respondents responded 
favorably to Palin. But this month, only 40 percent gave her a favorable 

McKee speculates that the nation's economic crisis, the war in Iraq and 
disappointment with the Bush presidency may be taking a long-term toll on the 
rural Republican base, especially beyond Southern states.

"I think it's very possible that these rural folks who live above the 
Mason-Dixon Line could be ripe to move … away from the Republican Party," 
McKee says.

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