I was in between missions and had a couple minutes to put that out there.
I am not going to let this affect how I do my job. I put forth 110% in
everything I do, and it shows. I am already beeing looked at for early
promotion, which satisfies one of my immediate goals.

But again I do remember the Clinton years, and they were so bad that I gave
up the one job that truely made me happy. In hindsite that was not the
smartest thing to do since I would have been retired by now, but at least I
have the opportunity to fix that and that is what I am doing. And no matter
how bad it will be in a year or so, I am going to stick it out, suck it up
and continue being the best I can be.

Understand I love the military very much, not because I get to wear a
uniform and everyone thanks me, but because I just love soldiering. And that
is what bothers me so much, that this institution that has been so good to
me is going to do down again. I honestly hope it does not though.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Erika L. Walker wrote:

> Bruce - I can't begin to understand deep down why you feel this way -
> Like you said, there's nothing anyone can do about it now. We have a new
> president-elect, and we will all have to suck it up, whether we supported
> him or not, because there's sure to be changes we all won't agree with.
> BUT - to be so negative - when you have the opportunity to give your best
> at
> what you do, is highly counter productive. It's bad karma for yourself,
> your
> country, your cause and your family.
> You are over there doing a wonderful thing, and there's not a damn person
> on
> this earth that can take that away from you. Have faith and believe that
> perhaps, this may all work out. Just because under a previous democrat, it
> was grim, doesn't HAVE to mean it will be so again.
> Stay educated, stay positive, believe in yourself and your job and don't
> let
> anyone take that away from you.
> You have always come across to me as WAY stronger than you just wrote.
> Please don't let us down. Don't let yourself down. Not now.
> E with a K
> P.S.  No, I don't know all the underlying issues and how a democratic
> president is going to affect the military, or has affected Loathe and Bruce
> in the past - but I do KNOW that psychologically, no one should ever let it
> beat them. One life to live here folks. Spending any of it with a bitter
> attitude, is just a waste. And that's what I'm trying to address. :)

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