>No. The equal protection clause doesn't come into play inside a church. It
>doesn't currently, and I have never heard that as part of a "gay marriage"
>argument before.

Except that I'm referring to the legality of gay marriage in general. As it 
stands some people because of physiological factors are treated differently 
under the law than others. Its the same situation as what used to exist 
regarding laws that forbade blacks and whites to marry.

>Currently, as a hetero male, I can legally marry (Mom, don't get your hopes
>up, still have to find a girl.)
>I cannot get married to a woman by a priest in a catholic ceremony. because
>I am not catholic, and haven't followed "the rules" to qualify.
>I cannot get married by a rabbi in a jewish cerermony. because I am not
>jewish. and haven't followed "the rules" to qualify.
>The same is probably true in a Shinto church, or a Buddhist temple, or any
>other religion.
>How would that change if gay marriage was allowed? I have never heard a
>court or even a gay rights advocate suggesting it.

That would not change. If a minister objects, he or she could refuse to perform 
the ceremony. A gay couple could still get a marriage license and have a civil 
ceremony or a religious ceremony performed by a minister who does not object. 

I am not suggesting that the government intrude on religion, rather that all 
people are treated the same under the law. As it stands now, some people 
because of physical factors are treated as less than other people in our 
society. That violates the equal protection clause.

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