So, obviously again you have all the answers. so educate us.

What should we have done with that captain and those 4 pirates?

Get specific, here.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> CamChi wrote:
>> Yes, but he gave to the poor.  Do you really have in your head a
>> picture of these pirates riding on horseback through villages throwing
>> bags of gold coins for all the peasants to enjoy?
>> I mean, I really have no idea what they do with it, but I think it's
>> more likely that they go back to their armed compound with it and keep
>> it.
> I'm the messenger.  I'm just telling you what you're clearly not
> considering: that pirates can be viewed as folk heroes.
> Do you know what Robin Hood did with the money?  Maybe he just kept it
> in his compound too, but you sure as hell know who Robin Hood is.
> What I'm trying to point out to you is that the assumption that this
> *won't* become ideological and it's a black-and-white issue is, in my
> opinion, ignorant of history.
> We're probably one more killing away from being the evil step-mother
> while they are the well meaning and benevolent heroes of the down
> trodden.
> Because dude: do you really think there's lots of sympathy in that
> part of the World for the USA?  And do you really think that
> extremists won't use any and every marketing opportunity in the book
> against us?
> This is a tread-lightly scenario if I've ever seen one and anybody
> that thinks different skipped his

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