And I guess I should preface my agreement a little better.

I agree that when it comes to sales/marketing (or movie casting for that
matter) that there should be some leeway when it comes to race. With sales
and marketing the general idea is to try to connect your message with the
customer. Making them feel akin to your product whether through your
marketing or you sales staff. Look at the marketing for hair relaxers. Is
that racist to show only blacks in the ads or is it just smart business
because 99.9% of your clientelle is going to be black? I'm against racism.
I'm generally against anything that ends in "ism" save for maybe alcoholism,
which I have a certain affinity towards. (hick) I'm 100% for equal
opportunity employment but it's got to be tempered with logic as well.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Cameron Childress <>wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Vivec<> wrote:
> > I don't think you actually read the entire article.
> > This has absolutely nothing to do with the issue.
> I read it. The article is about the majority discriminating against
> the minority.  Gruss' (baited) examples were about minority
> discriminating against majority.
> -Cameron

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