Sam, you're all over the place in this thread mate.
I'm not saying the US should adopt any other country's system.
You are attacking the Canadian system with silly and unfounded "facts" and
I'm defending it. Try to follow along mate.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Sam <> wrote:

> Did you read the WSJ article about death panels?
> This admin said 80% of health care cost is on the elderly and the goal
> is to reduce costs.
> Do the math.
> It would be nice to have health care for everybody, but at what cost?
> Why can't we take the time to build a plan that will work? Why the
> rush to get this plan through?
> There's a reason...
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Michael Grant<> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I'm not sure why you two only want to compare the US uninsured to the
> >> entire Canadian
> >
> >
> > First, we haven't been _only_ comparing to the uninsured. Any facts
> either
> > one of has posted has been an unbiased comparison to the systems as a
> whole.
> > However one of the biggest strengths of the Canadian system is that EVERY
> > citizen is covered. That's been the people's desire from the beginning,
> that
> > ALL people have a right to healthcare, regardless of financial status. Is
> it
> > perfect, no, of course not. It is however pretty damn good.
> >
> > You like to convince yourself that the Canadian (and UK for that
> > matter) system is full of half-rate doctors with equipment made out of
> > bubble gum and coconuts where people die waiting in line. That's just you
> > kidding yourself so that you can maintain some sort of twisted pride in a
> > healthcare system that puts profit above care.
> >

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