On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Michael Grant<mgr...@modus.bz> wrote:
> The median for non-emergency MRI was 2 weeks. Emergency situations would be
> immediate. Why are you so hung up on MRI's? You seem a little OCD with the
> whole imaging thing. I would bet that if you asked a group of Canadians if
> they would prefer:

According to this Feb 2009 study wait time is still a major problem.

Again, Larry was talking about MRI's, I thought the specialist wait
was more important.
So to recap, it's you and Larry that keep coming back to the MRI's.

> a) MRI's in an hour but have to pay for insurance (which would fight tooth
> and nail to deny claims) or out of pocket and where medical
> procedures/supplies are double or triple the going rate and drugs that are
> up to 10 times more than going rate
> OR
> b) a free inclusive system where they wait two weeks to three months for a
> non-emergency MRI and immediate imaging for emergency situations
> unless they are millionaires or better the answer is going to be a
> resounding "B!!!!!"

Isn't that the problem Canada and Britain are having? They're trying
to encourage people to go to private doctors because the systems are
collapsing. But the people can't get themselves to pay for shit that
they could get for free if they just wait. in other words maker sure
this plan is perfect because there's no coming back.

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