The median for non-emergency MRI was 2 weeks. Emergency situations would be
immediate. Why are you so hung up on MRI's? You seem a little OCD with the
whole imaging thing. I would bet that if you asked a group of Canadians if
they would prefer:

a) MRI's in an hour but have to pay for insurance (which would fight tooth
and nail to deny claims) or out of pocket and where medical
procedures/supplies are double or triple the going rate and drugs that are
up to 10 times more than going rate


b) a free inclusive system where they wait two weeks to three months for a
non-emergency MRI and immediate imaging for emergency situations

unless they are millionaires or better the answer is going to be a
resounding "B!!!!!"

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Sam <> wrote:

> Actually I jumped in when Larry said a three month wait for an MRI or
> a specialist was a good thing.
> I just pointed out how silly that sounded :P
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Michael Grant<> wrote:
> >
> > Sam, you're all over the place in this thread mate.
> > I'm not saying the US should adopt any other country's system.
> > You are attacking the Canadian system with silly and unfounded "facts"
> and
> > I'm defending it. Try to follow along mate.
> >

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