> MoJo wrote:
> Why oh why would anyone think that having healthcare should depend on your 
> level of wealth?

Because it does, and you don't understand that,  I'll detail them for you:

(1.) If a person, or a country, can't afford to pay for health care
they don't get it (that where the US is heading).  That's the rule on
the entire planet: no money, no services.  In Canada this results in
rationing.  France and the UK are both going broke with their existing
systems and asking us for help at lowering their costs.  That's
ironic, huh?

(2.) The US has proven that spending more money on health care gets
you less quality.  Check Medicare for example.  There are plenty of
studies out there that show that spending even 60% more on health care
not only doesn't improve outcomes, it makes them worse.

And I'm not saying ALL government is bad, just government that runs
production for good and services.  That government is all bad.  If
not, name one successful example.  (Hint: there isn't one).

What government is great at is regulating markets.

Take Switzerland or Holland's health care systems for example: their
government regulates the market, but private interests provide the
services (including financing).  Works great.  Best systems in the

So the bottom line is this:

if you want to give people "free" health care, someone is still paying
for it.  If costs are rising faster than our ability to pay, then
there won't be health care.

So if you really want to give people health care, solve the root cause
problem - exponentially rising costs.  And how do you do that?

The same way everybody's done it in every industry for hundreds of
years: capitalism!

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