multiple times. Perhaps in your mind. But other than the
misrepresentation of the Himalayan data, what other prevarications are
you talking about. At he most 1 page out of 3000. What other errors?

You still have not answered my question, are you willing to apply the
same standard to the things you agree with. I rather doubt it frankly.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Sam <> wrote:
> We caught them lying multiple times in this report. Now we're supposed
> to believe it's all true except what ever else is found to be a lie?
> The boy that cried wolf ring a bell?
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
>> so by your logic then anything published by the journal Nature or
>> Science is automatically invalid because once there were some invalid
>> data published in that data.
>> In other words that's thorough crap. All it does is invalidate the
>> Himalayan data, it does not change one whit the data involving the
>> Arctic Ocean icecover melt, or the temperature data from the last 130
>> years.

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