There is not a government program in existence for which "every single
cent" is accounted for, and even IF that were the case here, US
funding of any part of the Israeli budget frees up money to fund
research.  Frankly, I don't care if the US gives money to Israel, I
just find it a specious argument that we are somehow getting all this
great tech in return.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Michael Dinowitz
<> wrote:
> We're not talking actual money here. It's not as if America is
> delivering a crate of bills. We're talking 'credit'. Public credit.
> Credit linked to an aid package that is ALWAYS used as a point against
> Israel whenever the topic comes up in almost every location. Even
> here, every time Israel is talked about, that aid is mentioned. Do you
> really think that a single cent is not accounted for?
> --
> Michael Dinowitz

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