Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "It's odd that you disagree with 99% of what I post, since I try very hard
> to present facts, and debunk lies and spin.  What in that do you find to
> disagree with"

> Can you site your references for the following:
> "It may come as a big surprise to you, but 'the government' is owned lock,
> stock and barrel by Corporate America, which is what allows corporations to
> utterly screw the people without consequences"


> "I don't know that I expected him to be different.  I was hoping that he
> would have more integrity that the previous bunch and walk his talk."
> "He still doesn't feel as slimy to me as Bush/Cheney, although some of his
> minions do.


 I was very pleased with the rapid response to the Nashville
> flood as opposed to Katrina.  The rapidity with which FEMA has boots on the
> ground after the governor's request was impressive "


> "However, I have a very ingrained mistrust of the US government that goes
> back for decades, since LBJ was president.  One smooth talking guy in a suit
> is not going to change that."

Reasons for not trusting the government: Vietnam War, Watergate,
Pentagon Pages, Iran Contra, Gulf War I, the entire Clinton years,
9/11 and the response, Iraqi War, Cheney and Halliburton, Bush and the
oil companies...etc, etc..etc, Ad Infinitum, Ad Nauseum.

> In all seriousness, I thought it was implicit that I meant opinion, though
> not everyone can or wants to pick up implications.  Also, the statement was
> hyperbolic in the sense that it probably isn't possible to disagree 99% of
> the time with someone.  More like 70% or 80%.  Again, hyperbole probably
> doesn't show up text for everyone

At least they are my opinions formed by my assessment of the facts,
and not stolen whole cloth from talk radio or political talking points
and spin.  You didn't present you disagreement at hyperbole, you
stated it as if you truly disagreed with 99% of my comments.  Which I
found odd, because I don't disagree with 99% of anyone's

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