My bro-inlaw in the UK was told he needed to be tested for kidney and
prostate cancer six months ago. Three months later he got the tests,
Last week he got the results. He needs surgery for both and is now
going on the waiting list. He's only 50 and we're very afraid he won't
make it.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> From talking to actual Canadians who use the system every day and talking to
> actual Brits, and talking people who live in a few other countries where
> they have socialized medicine...while it may not be perfect (what system
> is?) is far better than what we have now in the US. When you have no
> more barriers to getting preventive care, you detect issues earlier, which
> also means, in most cases, it's also a lot cheaper to treat and it also
> reduces the amounts of people going to ER's for issues that should be
> getting retaken care of in the doctors offices.  Plus, with a single system
> of payment, it removes the layers and layers of complexity that doc's
> offices have to deal with for payment.  There are a lot of cost reductions
> in socialized medicine that do offset a lot of the increases in costs that
> the government picks up by sponsoring health care.
> I think the biggest deception in this whole issue is that opponents of
> healthcare have convinced the teabaggers that there is a difference between
> paying a premium to them and paying your premiums via taxes.  The only
> difference there is who is getting paid.  So if you taxes go up and you no
> longer have to pay an insurance premium (in the case of single payer), there
> really is no logical difference in what is happening with your money.  With
> single payer, there is a good possibility that because this would be spread
> out amongst a much larger pool of people, that what you are paying may be
> considerably less.  So meanwhile the dumbass teabaggers, who have been duped
> into bitching about resultant tax hikes form this, keep screaming about
> taxes, the insurance company is laughing at their rubes all the way to the
> bank.
> Personally...I would rather pay the government and know that I can get
> treatment without going bankrupt than deal with the insurance companies and
> hospitals, knowing tat I will have to declare bankruptcy to deal with all my
> medical bills since I don't have access to insurance(which is something I am
> facing right no

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