On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:24 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Tea parties are against excessive taxes and spending. That's a new 
>> phenomenon.
> Sure, if your lifespan is measured in thousands of years.  :)

Did you notice it's not constant?

> And only a mentally challenged individual would think that the money
> comes from some "money fairy".  You'd have to be "slow" to think you
> could cut taxes and increase spending and there wouldn't be any
> problems.
> Where did we think the money for War and Peace was going to come from-
> the spoils of war?  Ha!  Nobody could be /that/ silly...

I thought everyone now agreed  cutting taxes raised revenue. Kennedy,
Reagan and Bush 43 proved it. Keynesian economics fails every time.

> Unless you think it's legal to let God Only Knows Who have our
> telephone records and whatnot.

Same thing if they have a warrant or not, you still need to trust the listeners.

> Heh.  Plus, the built-in back doors on the telco equip. really is a
> super-cool idea-- just ask Greece!

Haven't heard about it. I thought we were talking about the US?

> But that's legal, so we can't complain, I guess.  People won't care
> until it's Too Late(tm). ;]

> I must be, because it *still* /feels/ like a more open government to me.

As long as you got that warm and fuzzy thing going on...

> I don't know if it'll ever be as open as I'd like, but there have been
> steps in the right direction.
> I wish the Republican party would make an open government one of their
> platform deals, and maybe drop the gay hating or anti-abortion stuff
> if they're all out of platform.  :]

I don't know about any gay haters but I can accept their abortion
stance even though I disagree.

> "This" health care system can be changed.  "This" health care system
> has the potential for transparency.
> It's a *lot* harder for the VA to sweep shit under the rug, than say,
> a private hospital.
> Health care is fucked up.  I've had it up to here (holds hand at eye
> level) with this totally borked system.
> The Git-Darned-Government might do a better job, frankly.
> Plus, imagine if we can use the government to pool our resources!
> Like, use that buying power to get way expensive machines way cheaper,
> and other bulk-shopping type deals!
> Course we need reform in government contracts rather badly too, sooo.... eh.
> I still think health care is national infrastructure, and the .gov
> should be in it, as well as education.
> Public knowledge of medical stuff might be nifty too.  At least we've
> got the right to demand transparency with the public sector.  Don't
> have that right on the private side.

The government has the ability to transform healthcare for the better,
they chose to destroy it instead. So much for bipartisanship.

> For me, it's more about Liberty!
> Money isn't everything, man.

You can willingly give more of your money to the 

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