On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 4:35 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Did you notice it's not constant?
> Which, death or taxes?

Taxes and spending. Goes up and down. When it's down, not much of a
problem, but when it gets out of control...

> Oh yeah?  It must be one of those counter-intuitive deals then, right?
> And you're speaking to the revenue of those taxing or those taxed?
> Both, it sounds like, which seems pretty cool to me.

When the tax rate goes down people invest more. The take more chances
with investments, expand businesses etc. Why take the chance of
doubling the size of your business if all the new profits go to uncle

> You have to spend money to make money, right?

Nope, you need to incentive investment so you can earn the tax revenue.

> The point of our system is that there are checks and balances.  Not
> that we "trust" people to be Good(tm).

The checks and balances work much better when you hire competent people.

>> Haven't heard about it. I thought we were talking about the US?
> Yes, it was *our* hardware.  I think *all* modern hardware comes with
> these "back doors" built into it.

So the US government is spying on Greeks? That's another issue.

> Makes you hope the "bad" guys never get 'hold of the stuff they
> shouldn't.  Guess we just have to "trust" that only Good people know
> how these things work, or are capable of finding out how...
> 'Course, I'd rather that there was *nothing* like that built in, as it
> just begs for abuse.

I recommend you unplug your computer and step away from it.Then throw
away your cell.

> What do you use to feel, your fingers?  Try using your mind, it's far out.

If I stick my finger in my nose will I feel my mind?

>> I don't know about any gay haters but I can accept their abortion
>> stance even though I disagree.
> Because you don't see anything wrong with legislating morality?

Because the definition of life is tricky.

> It's o.k. to kill in the name of War, but otherwise it's Bad(tm)?

Sometime you need to kill to save.

> We should all be vegetarians, maybe?

Then we'd have to kill the veggies to eat them.

>> The government has the ability to transform healthcare for the better,
>> they chose to destroy it instead. So much for bipartisanship.
> Destroy it?  Do you have a dream of the future too?  Mine is more upbeat.

Even the NYTimes is realizing the dangers. You need to change your goggles.

> Frankly I think bipartisan stuff would be easier if the Republicans
> were just fiscal conservatives, vs. socially AND [theoretically]
> fiscally conservative.

Compared to the Democrats running things today they are. Why don't you
ask the same of them?

> Is national debt some new thing then?  How do you think it gets paid?

The size is new.

> By cutting taxes?

Too late for that, you need to rein in the spending.

> Hey, I like the sound of that.  Sort of an "and eat it too" type of mentality.
> Cake rocks.

So spending the peoples money on things they don't want with no way to
cover it is a go

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