Yes...that objective rassmussen poll that Fox loves so dearly...

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [] 
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 11:10 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Shocker: Major corporations may dump health insurance, pay
penalties instead

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> That had nothing to do with healthcare...that had everything to do with
> Croakley being a shitty candidate who ran a very shitty campaign and
> turned off the electorate....please.

Voters, citing reasons for the shift to the Republicans, repeatedly
expressed hostility towards the healthcare bill but also a belief that
Obama represented too much government interference, was too leftwing
and was spending too much.

The Democrats have several Plan Bs for the health bill, none of which
they regard as satisfactory. One was to vote on the bill before Brown
takes up his seat but Jim Webb, a Democratic senator, appeared to
block that last night by saying the election had been both about
healthcare and the integrity of the government process.

> What polls...every single poll showed overwhelming support...well except
> cherry picked ones done by Fox maybe...

Here's a cherry:

While the president and his congressional allies search for a way to
pass their proposed health care plan, most voters remain opposed to
it. Forty-two percent (42%) now favor the plan, while 53% are against
it, findings that have remained relatively constant since just after
Thanksgiving. The new figures include just 20% who Strongly Favor the
plan and 41% who are Strongly Opposed.


Sixty percent (60%) of voters believe Democrats should change the bill
to win support from a reasonable number of Republicans. Only 31%
believe Democrats should go ahead and pass the bill without Republican

Views of the country's short- and long-term economic future are
gloomier these days than they have been at any time since Obama took
office in January of last year.

Of the four budget priorities laid out by Obama at the start of his
presidency, cutting the federal deficit in half by the end of his
first term is still the one voters put in first place.

Only 21% of voters nationwide believe the federal government now
enjoys the consent of the governed. Seventy-five percent (75%) are at
least somewhat angry at the government's current policies. That
includes 45% who are Very Angry, a nine-point increase since


> Eric

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