On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Sam wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:24 PM, denstar wrote:
>>> Tea parties are against excessive taxes and spending. That's a new 
>>> phenomenon.
>> Sure, if your lifespan is measured in thousands of years.  :)
> Did you notice it's not constant?

Which, death or taxes?

>> And only a mentally challenged individual would think that the money
>> comes from some "money fairy".  You'd have to be "slow" to think you
>> could cut taxes and increase spending and there wouldn't be any
>> problems.
>> Where did we think the money for War and Peace was going to come from-
>> the spoils of war?  Ha!  Nobody could be /that/ silly...
> I thought everyone now agreed  cutting taxes raised revenue. Kennedy,
> Reagan and Bush 43 proved it. Keynesian economics fails every time.

Oh yeah?  It must be one of those counter-intuitive deals then, right?

And you're speaking to the revenue of those taxing or those taxed?
Both, it sounds like, which seems pretty cool to me.

You have to spend money to make money, right?

>> Unless you think it's legal to let God Only Knows Who have our
>> telephone records and whatnot.
> Same thing if they have a warrant or not, you still need to trust the 
> listeners.

The point of our system is that there are checks and balances.  Not
that we "trust" people to be Good(tm).

>> Heh.  Plus, the built-in back doors on the telco equip. really is a
>> super-cool idea-- just ask Greece!
> Haven't heard about it. I thought we were talking about the US?

Yes, it was *our* hardware.  I think *all* modern hardware comes with
these "back doors" built into it.

Makes you hope the "bad" guys never get 'hold of the stuff they
shouldn't.  Guess we just have to "trust" that only Good people know
how these things work, or are capable of finding out how...

'Course, I'd rather that there was *nothing* like that built in, as it
just begs for abuse.

>> But that's legal, so we can't complain, I guess.  People won't care
>> until it's Too Late(tm). ;]
>> I must be, because it *still* /feels/ like a more open government to me.
> As long as you got that warm and fuzzy thing going on...

The Force is all about "feeling".

What do you use to feel, your fingers?  Try using your mind, it's far out.

>> I don't know if it'll ever be as open as I'd like, but there have been
>> steps in the right direction.
>> I wish the Republican party would make an open government one of their
>> platform deals, and maybe drop the gay hating or anti-abortion stuff
>> if they're all out of platform.  :]
> I don't know about any gay haters but I can accept their abortion
> stance even though I disagree.

Because you don't see anything wrong with legislating morality?

It's o.k. to kill in the name of War, but otherwise it's Bad(tm)?  We
should all be vegetarians, maybe?

>> "This" health care system can be changed.  "This" health care system
>> has the potential for transparency.
>> It's a *lot* harder for the VA to sweep shit under the rug, than say,
>> a private hospital.
>> Health care is fucked up.  I've had it up to here (holds hand at eye
>> level) with this totally borked system.
>> The Git-Darned-Government might do a better job, frankly.
>> Plus, imagine if we can use the government to pool our resources!
>> Like, use that buying power to get way expensive machines way cheaper,
>> and other bulk-shopping type deals!
>> Course we need reform in government contracts rather badly too, sooo.... eh.
>> I still think health care is national infrastructure, and the .gov
>> should be in it, as well as education.
>> Public knowledge of medical stuff might be nifty too.  At least we've
>> got the right to demand transparency with the public sector.  Don't
>> have that right on the private side.
> The government has the ability to transform healthcare for the better,
> they chose to destroy it instead. So much for bipartisanship.

Destroy it?  Do you have a dream of the future too?  Mine is more upbeat.

Frankly I think bipartisan stuff would be easier if the Republicans
were just fiscal conservatives, vs. socially AND [theoretically]
fiscally conservative.

>> For me, it's more about Liberty!
>> Money isn't everything, man.
> You can willingly give more of your money to the


Is national debt some new thing then?  How do you think it gets paid?

By cutting taxes?

Hey, I like the sound of that.  Sort of an "and eat it too" type of mentality.

Cake rocks.


A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many
bad measures.

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