On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
> "And why weren't there Tea Parties when the *cough*illegal*cough*
> wiretapping and crap was going down?  That's when we should have been in the
> streets with torches."
> There were people protesting.  The media gave them a lot of attention,
> though no one else did.

Seems like an oxymoron.  :)

Not that it matters, our attention span is pretty damn short.

I like to add "these days", but I'm pretty sure things have worked
like this for a long long long time.

I've thought about changing it though.  Wouldn't that shake things up?
 If everyone "remembered"?  There's a lot to recall, but we've got
cool tools now.

> "That Hightower guy seemed pretty pissed with the supreme court.  :)"
> He's entitled to his opinion.

No, he isn't.  Who gave him that entitlement?!?!  Not me!  ;)

Seriously tho, I loved his comments about the supreme court Re:
corporations funding politics.

> "Bullshit.  America is God Damn Beautiful.  We're not every country, and
> tomorrow is a new day.  =)"
> I'll say that America is still better than every other country, thought the
> road it is own is quickly leading it astray.

It's been on a dark path for like a hundred years at least.

At least the slide is less with this administration.  The last one was
like being on a toboggan to hell.  :)p


It seems the misfortune of one can plow a deeper furrow in the heart
than the misfortune of millions.

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