On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was actually a pretty strong advocate for the 2nd amendment until my
> son got shot at in drive-by while eating lunch at a Mexican restaurant
> in NE Atlanta.

I bet the guns used weren't legal

> Also, I spent some time working in a friend's gun
> store.  After observing some of the customers, I decided I was for
> very strong gun control, cause I didn't want those people to be armed.
>  I know it's not my decision whether they should have guns, nor should
> it be, but it certainly opened my eyes to the reality of the
> situation.  Scary.

What do you expect form Atlanta :)

> I've never met a conservative who was a strong supporter of any
> amendment other than the 2nd.  They are certainly not fans of free
> speech if the person speaking disagrees with them.

That's just sad that you would say something so ridiculous. And I
thought you claim to be open min

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