On 7/9/2010 12:14 PM, Sisk, Kris wrote:
> The problem I have with gun control laws is that they don't accomplish
> anything. Most gun related crimes (80% I think was the figure but it's
> been a while since I've seen it) are committed with illegally purchased
> guns.
A large number of illegally purchased guns where at one time probably a legally 
purchased gun that was then stolen.  Less guns bought to be stolen does lead to 
less guns to buy illegally.

> That and there's the undeniable fact that crime rates tend to go down
> drastically when an area introduces concealed carry laws.
I have not seen good, non-antidote and non-controversial data on that.  
The few studies I've seen that support it have larger and better studies 
showing it false.

> For the record I don't and likely won't for many years own a gun. I just
> think the arguments against gun control make a whole lot more sense than
> the ones against it.
Gun control and gun banishment are two different things.  While I agree 
that our current gun control rules are contradictory, some times 
unconstitutional and just plain often bad.  I'm reluctant to throw the 
baby out with the bath water and just open up us to the wild wild west 
with gun fights in the streets and so sad to any poor bystander caught 
on the cross fire.

Not to say modern gun fights in the streets are any better, which brings 
us back to the point that current gun control isn't.

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