Thing is that voucher programs rarely work. At best they are a supplement for upper middle class and middle class students to get into private education that they would not afford otherwise. it does nothing to help the kid if they get a $5000 voucher when then the annual tuition is over 10,000. (That's one of the reasons why the voucher system failed so miserably in the DC region), only the rich or relatively well off could afford it. I do not see why we ought to subsidize the rich. We do too much of that already.
Moreover there isn't really any improved performance based on the "magic" of private schools. The data has been very consistent, Based on the NORC datasets, when taking into account parental involvement, there are no differences between public and private schools. Recently even some studies of DC area students have even shown that the so called "failed" DC school system outperformed many private and charter schools. On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote: > > Fixing the funding problem of schools could be easy. > > Many people preach the virtues of vouchers based on education quality. > > I say this is the wrong approach. Voucher advocates should preach the > financial benefits. > > If a state averages 10k per student, a 5k voucher would net the school > system 5k for every student who leaves with less students to care for. > > The number of building to keep up, the number of bus routes, etc., would > decrease meaning more money to use on students. The number of state paid > teachers would decrease, meaning fewer salaries and benefits to pony up. > > There would be a rise in the number of private schools catering to the > desires of parents. IT themed, math themed, dance themed, heritage themed, > and so on. These schools could be subjected to the same standardized tests > as the public schools so achievement could be measured and vouchers for > particular schools could be allowed based on performance. > > > J > > - > > Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with > power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny - > Thomas Jefferson on government > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: