That's what they found in DC and CA yet they're stopping teh programs
in those places.
Go figure.

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> Fixing the funding problem of schools could be easy.
> Many people preach the virtues of vouchers based on education quality.
> I say this is the wrong approach.  Voucher advocates should preach the
> financial benefits.
> If a state averages 10k per student, a 5k voucher would net the school
> system 5k for every student who leaves with less students to care for.
> The number of building to keep up, the number of bus routes, etc., would
> decrease meaning more money to use on students.  The number of state paid
> teachers would decrease, meaning fewer salaries and benefits to pony up.
> There would be a rise in the number of private schools catering to the
> desires of parents.  IT themed, math themed, dance themed, heritage themed,
> and so on.  These schools could be subjected to the same standardized tests
> as the public schools so achievement could be measured and vouchers for
> particular schools could be allowed based on performance

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