On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Sam wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 12:41 AM, denstar wrote:
>>>> Aren't a lot of these folks the same ones saying building a Mosque is 
>>>> verboten?
>>> It's one mosque in particular they don't wantbuilt and it turns up to
>>> be a good isea not to build. If we don't build it the bad men will get
>>> us.
>> Are we a nation of laws, or of men?
> Yeah, one of them is free speech. What do you have against it?

A hard-on.  Free Speech is looking a bit uncomfortable, but at least
it knows I like it.  A lot.

Tho I /do/ yell "fire!" in crowded theaters from time to time.

>> Take 'em to court.
> Why, they were asked politely to move it. Why the outrage?

I'm not rage'n.

What do you have against Muslims?

Are they all bad people, like cops-- er, police officers?

(Props Scott!  Trusting folks is next to godliness!)

>> Having people point to the old stuff and say "see, we're founded on
>> it!" is getting a little tiresome.
> So let's tear up all the old documents and buildings and start over,
> to please Denny,

Memorize the buildings before tearing.

>> Personally I'm fine with "In God we Trust", but I'm smart enough to
>> understand the meaning... =)p
> So you want to limit your exposure to stupid people? Or do you just
> want to destroy the fuel for their arguments to avoid repeating
> yourself?

Being a rather stupid person myself, minimizing exposure is rather hard to do.

And I've probably told the same stories thousands of times, so
repetition is cool too.

Especially when you get a few people, repeating the same thing, but
slightly offset, so it's like singing rounds or a canon.

>>>> I should be able to slap chick's asses at work.  Those were the days!
>>> So now your comparing Christianity to sexist oigs?
>> Now who's putting things in who's mouths?  Whoms?  Nah.
> Did you not just compare the good old days when religious phrases were
> put on buildings to slapping chicks asses?

Is that what I did?  Heh.  That's *awesome*!

Who's the king of analogy now, huh!?!?

Seriously?  As far as I'm concerned, folks can put 50 foot images of
bare-breasted beauties on the sides of office buildings.  Put a 10
foot vi-jay-jay over the entrance for all I care.

>> It's a tough gig.  I still think he was the best man for the job.
>> I bet you feel the same about Bush.
> Nope, I'm sure there would have been better than Bush but it's hard to tell.
> I would have voted for Powell over Bush the first go-round and would
> have been real sorry. Bush was better than I expected but it's a hard
> job to speculate o

Ah, Powell.  Alas.

Oh well, we can agree that it's a tough job, and that's it is pretty
fun to talk trash about whoever is doing it.

So The One away!  Drop those "H" bombs!  Spread the word about the
polished turd!

It's your God given right.  At least I /think/ God gave it to us.
Maybe there's something more to it, too...


All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation
prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Friedrich Niet

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