On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Sam wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:54 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What did the puppet master do to make a ten year depression?
>>>  Something so bad that even the Obama can't get us out of it?
>> I'm not talking solely about the economy.  I'm talking about America, yo!
> So it's an emotional thingy that you can't really explain but you know
> it ruined this country.

Not ruined, but pushed us pretty far down a dark path.

Fear isn't healthy, man.  It is not a tool that I like to use, tho it does work.

>> Lord, man, look at all the hubbub about "we need God back in government!", 
>> etc..
> You misrepresent this all the time, they want people to stop attacking
> religion and allow people to say Merry Christmas. They're not trying
> to add the ten commandmants to buildings, they trying to stop you from
> removing them from buildings. See the difference?

Aren't a lot of these folks the same ones saying building a Mosque is verboten?

You don't even see the correlation, do you?

Religion + government is scary as hell.

Does God need the stuff to stay on the buildings to be real or something?

Can you be a good Christian without Spreading the Word?  Is The Word
appropriate everywhere?

I think we need to put porn back in government, and everyday life!
It's gotten a bum rap, and has lost it's power to make people rich

I should be able to slap chick's asses at work.  Those were the days!

>> Economics is one of those deals where a lot of variables are in play.
> Like corporate taxes and hiring? Bush had it right, even the Dems want
> to rename the Bush Tax Cuts to Obama Tax Cuts.

Pbbbt!  To cut taxes and increase spending is Right, eh?

>> Bush was a game-changer.  Moreso than Obama has been.
> Yeah rig


And if you don't think so, you'll probably DIE!  We're all DOOMED, man, DOOMED!

You'd better get right with God, esse!  ;)p


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