On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 12:41 AM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Aren't a lot of these folks the same ones saying building a Mosque is >>> verboten? >> It's one mosque in particular they don't wantbuilt and it turns up to >> be a good isea not to build. If we don't build it the bad men will get >> us. > > Are we a nation of laws, or of men? Yeah, one of them is free speech. What do you have against it? > Take 'em to court. Why, they were asked politely to move it. Why the outrage? > Having people point to the old stuff and say "see, we're founded on > it!" is getting a little tiresome. So let's tear up all the old documents and buildings and start over, to please Denny, > Personally I'm fine with "In God we Trust", but I'm smart enough to > understand the meaning... =)p So you want to limit your exposure to stupid people? Or do you just want to destroy the fuel for their arguments to avoid repeating yourself? >>> I should be able to slap chick's asses at work. Those were the days! >> >> So now your comparing Christianity to sexist oigs? > > Now who's putting things in who's mouths? Whoms? Nah. Did you not just compare the good old days when religious phrases were put on buildings to slapping chicks asses? > It's a tough gig. I still think he was the best man for the job. > > I bet you feel the same about Bush. Nope, I'm sure there would have been better than Bush but it's hard to tell. I would have voted for Powell over Bush the first go-round and would have been real sorry. Bush was better than I expected but it's a hard job to speculate o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! http://www.amazon.com/Adobe-Coldfusion-Anthology-Michael-Dinowitz/dp/1430272155/?tag=houseoffusion Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-community/message.cfm/messageid:327864 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-community/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/cf-community/unsubscribe.cfm