All the top secret amendments bringing the bill to over 2000 pages
changed the entire bill.


On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 11:25 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>> "You seemed to be claiming that the Health Insurance Reform bill was 100% a
>> Democratic construct that blocked out Republican input and kowtowed to the
>> extremities of the Democratic party. "
>> I am claiming that since it's the truth.
> Well, it is obviously not the truth. Besides the Gang of 6, the
> Cornhusker Kickback, the Stupak Amendment, ad nauseum, I can show you
> the couple dozen amendments offered by Republicans outside of
> negotiations that were considered on the floor and voted on. Having
> your amendment voted down by a majority does not, in fact, qualify as
> quashing dissent. That's actually called Democracy. In case you were
> wondering.
>> "But it has nothing to do with Democrats working with Republicans on
>> healthcare."
>> Bullshit.  The pressure was already on to kill the bill.  The Republicans
>> wanted to subpoena more information about some of the dealings going on.
>>  More bad public perception would have increased the pressure to kill the
>> Obama Care.
> Bullshit. The pressure was already on to kill *anything* related to
> Democrats. That's part of the minority party philosophy. Chris Dodd
> deserved to be investigated. Democrats were craven for trying to
> protect him. But if Health Care Insurance Reform had never even made
> it to discussion level, Issa still would have gone after Dodd. And
> well he should have, prick though Issa is.
> Countrywide had nothing to do with Healthcare. If Issa did his little
> dance moves in order to try to kill an unrelated bill, that just means
> he is a partisan little prick who has no morals or compunctions. Which
> I believe to be true of course. Nonetheless, Issa was right to try and
> push hearings on Countrywide and Dodd, but that has nothing to do with
> HCR, it has to do with shady dealings between Congress and Business
> (of which there are many).

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