As I said trolling the list instead of having a constructive discussion.

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Sam <> wrote:
> You're argument is that it wont happen because people will give in
> before the guns come.
> If the threat of guns wasn't there, law would be moot.
> Your insults are accelerating. Post-election stress?
> .
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
>> Exactly that is why I called it a stupid question. A really stupid
>> unrealistic question that only served as a metaphorical firebomb, and
>> further troll the list.
>> But in reality what would happen is that if the franchisee (notice
>> franchisee and not McDonalds) would be taken to court, and be required
>> to pay a fine. They can appeal up to the supreme court if they so
>> choose. NO guns or firearms involved, unless the person has some weird
>> Rambo fantasy which I would not put past much of the right wing in
>> this country.

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