On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Sam wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 3:46 PM, denstar wrote:
>> Maybe to a certain extent, but that's kinda at the extreme end, neh?
> So is banning toys neh?

"Unsafe" toys get banned all the time, yes?

I don't think they have those spinny things (merry-go-rounds?) at
parks anymore.  Not banned, per se, but still.  Hard to find these
days.  (Unrelated thought)

>> For most people, law itself is enough.  Fines, etc..  "Public"
>> humiliation, like stockades.  It doesn't exactly take guns to slap yo
>> ass in jail, neither.
> So is you're argument people will give in before the guns show up or
> is it that you are guaranteed guns won't show up. Because the lefties
> on this list swear the chance of guns is a lie.

Um, I know you think corporations are people, but, the reality is, they ain't.

>> But I get it, force is ultimately what backs things that need to be, um, 
>> forced.
> There are a lot of people that ignore laws they don't like, or they
> don't think matter much. Pot, sodomy and dui comes to mind. Some
> people the only way to stop them from drinking and driving is to
> arrest them. They sure as hell won't go to jail voluntarily. Other
> people just follow the law because they're told to.

Or because they're anti-anti-establishment!

>> Force doesn't have to equal guns tho, or even violence, per se.
> It's not the point we're discussing though. Point is will the
> government shop up with guns eventually if you don't comply. You
> answer is: well, this, that, and yada yada.
> When the real answer is yes.

They will put a gun to Ronald's head if he doesn't comply, man!

They'll smoke his clown-ass.  Fer reals.

(for some reason a scene from Blazing Saddles comes to mind)

Get a grip dude.  =)

>> Having a branch Davidian-type situation at MickeyD's over happy meals
>> sounds pretty Nov 5. to me.  Woohoo!  It's on.
> You've never seen a business chained or a tenant evicted? The dudes have guns

Does one even really "own" a business that is part of a franchise?

Randomness ensues:

Remember Joe Camel?

If it were up to me, violence would be banned in video games.  Not.

I'm naked right now.  I'm in my house, but if someone can see in, even
from space, I think I'm breaking the law.

*sigh*  I'm not really naked.  I am about to take off my shoes tho.


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Blaise P

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