On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:09 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> Maybe to a certain extent, but that's kinda at the extreme end, neh?
>> So is banning toys neh?
> "Unsafe" toys get banned all the time, yes?

These toys are safe, just stupid :)

> I don't think they have those spinny things (merry-go-rounds?) at
> parks anymore.  Not banned, per se, but still.  Hard to find these
> days.  (Unrelated thought)

Yeah they do. Lot's of them. They even have double decker ones.
I think they even have double decker ones on San Francisco, or was it San Jose?

>> So is you're argument people will give in before the guns show up or
>> is it that you are guaranteed guns won't show up. Because the lefties
>> on this list swear the chance of guns is a lie.
> Um, I know you think corporations are people, but, the reality is, they ain't.

This applies to all fast food joints, not just the big ones, which are
individually franchised.
Did you ever here of restaurants getting padlocked because they were
operating without a permit or a liqueur license? They almost arrested
a girl with a lemonade stand for no permit.

>> people just follow the law because they're told to.
> Or because they're anti-anti-establishment!

That too

> They will put a gun to Ronald's head if he doesn't comply, man!

Some people are scared of clowns.

> Get a grip dude.  =)

So we're back to it will never go that far so it's not a fact?

>> You've never seen a business chained or a tenant evicted? The dudes have guns

Huh, I said that already.

> Does one even really "own" a business that is part of a franchise?

Depends on the franchise. Some just rent the name and buy the
products, others are employee owners.

> Remember Joe Camel?

Dick head? Yes.

> If it were up to me, violence would be banned in video games.  Not.

That is random.

> I'm naked right now.  I'm in my house, but if someone can see in, even
> from space, I think I'm breaking the law.

You're not, well depends on what you're doing naked, but be careful
answering your iPhone.

> *sigh*  I'm not really naked.  I am about to take off my shoes tho.
Is it going to sti

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