Robert Munn <> wrote:

> The function of the media, like everything else in the United States,
> revolves around money.

Pretty much on all counts.

First, "the media" doesn't really seem to exist anymore, at least for me.  I
have podcasts, vodcasts, and rss feeds that I get most of my content from.
That includes Anderson Cooper who has a great video podcast as well as blogs
from people in Cairo.  It makes "the media" concept kinda lost for me.

As to unions, are they in single digit percentage yet?  And regardless of
whether there should be collective bargaining with states, aren't there
multiple states that have no such provision?

I agree with union proponents that unions guaranteed the middle class a
living wage and that had positive effects for all of us but, like any
institution, they grew out of all proportion with what they actually did.

Outcome-wise, unions pretty much miss the mark these days.

We need a new mechanism to bring equality back to wage distribution, but it
ain't gonna be unions so we should just let them die so we can get on with

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