Gruss - it seems you have been gone too long.

You see, Eric lives in a world of absolutes - some of the best
examples of this are from threads you may have missed, such as:

Only teachers are qualified to teach our children - The Great
Homeschooling debate (he had a few other great generalizations in
there, too, but this was by far the best)
All law enforcement officials are 'bad' or corrupt - Can't recall the
thread that this came up in
All 'Tea Party' members are racist - pretty sure this came up more than once
and, the most recent
All media outlets are owned by conservatives and influence what we see/hear.

Hope that sheds some light in the situation. :D

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> Eric Roberts <> wrote:
>> The media was pretty focused on Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya since things
>> started up in Tunisia.  I wasn't referring to media outlets outside of the
>> US.  You look at who owns and runs them Michael and it is ultra right
>> conservatives.
> That seems like a counter-intuitive claim given:
> * Arianna Huffington just sold her start-up media outlet for $300M and will
> be the EiC of the combined new company
> * Oprah is pretty powerful media-wise and she's not right-wing
> * Al Gore has a new media outlet and he's not right wing
> * NPR, NPB is about 60% of my media and it's not conservative
> * New York times is famously leftie
> So I guess I'm not seeing how that could be true.

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