LOL!  Sam, thanks for lightening my day.

I'd been trudging along, ankle deep in code all day, and I read
this... and it cheered me right up.

It's like I've got my finger on the pulse!

PBS *iz terroristz!!!11!1*

Well, I guess it's pretty sad from a certain perspective...
luckily, I choose to run with the funny,
non-soul-sucking-that-people-think-this view!  =)

I know! I know!  /It's a plot to turn boy scouts into suicide bombers!/

Step one:  Get them to listen to NPR
Step two:  Ha!  Yeah right.

Oh no!  Horrible thought:  They've started with the cub scouts via
Sesame Street!



Many people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.
Bertrand Russell

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Sam wrote:
> In a phone call with Liley after the lunch, an O'Keefe associate
> posing as "Ibrahim Kasaam " of the Muslim Education Action Center (a
> fictitious entity) expressed concerns that NPR, which receives
> government funding, would be subject to government audits or would
> have to disclose the source of its donations.
> Liley responded, "If you were concerned about that, you might want to
> be an anonymous donor and we would certainly, if that was your
> interest, we would want to shield you from that."
> At another point, Kasaam asked Liley, "It sounded like you're saying
> that NPR would be able to shield us from a government audit, is that
> correct?"
> "I think that is the case, especially if you were anonymous, and I can
> inquire about that," Liley said. She later informed Kasaam via e-mail
> that NPR's management had cleared an anonymous donation from his
> group.

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