On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Sam wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:54 PM, denstar wrote:
>> Because the whole "liberal conspiracy" and "money laundering for
>> terrorists" deal needs more than just NPR to be any fun at all?
> Well that explains most of what you write :P

I'm surprised anything can.  =)

>> Or maybe since they get like, what?  Surely *billions* of dollars in
>> funding-- LOL!  I can't type it with a straight face!
> Are you propping up my argument for me so you'll have something to beat down?

No?  I don't think so.  Maybe subconsciously?  You never know...
consciousness is some funky stuff.

I was trying to make a point, using sarcasm.  Way for congress (and
lots of other folks) to stay focused.

This is *sooooooooo* important!  <--- sarcasm

(if you believe that it is the liberals, and things like NPR, which
make up the shadowy conglomerate screwing us over, maybe it seems more

>> You did rather insinuate that there was something insidious going on, right?
> I did point out that emailing what they believed to be a terrorist
> organization that you'll hide the money is a shady outfit. I'm sure if
> I tried that  it would jam up my clearance.

Spin is an awesome thing.

I'm sure they are the first organization that accepts donations from
folks, to be asked if folks can donate anonymously, and the tax

You actually see this as "really alarming" and an "emergency" for the country?

I liked your link from this stuff to a bias in the media, and
terrorists, though.  Totes awesome! [golf clap]

"Be afraid!  Be *very* afraid!"

Personally, I'm more fearful of the effects of greed, and having so
much power and money in so few hands.  (Though obviously, the *real*
power is in our hands --we the people-- but sadly we're distracted

>> "Alarm!  Be alarmed!  It's alarming!"
> You're right, everybody should do it.

Frankly, I think there are far more alarming things to be alarmed about.

Hey, let us team up on saying how fucked up the new IP stuff coming
down the pipe is!  Unless you think the .gov being able to legally spy
on it's citizens is a matter of national security & a good thing...
[insert fond memories of the wiretapping discussion]

Since it's "Obama" (and the FBI, I guess?) who's doing it, I'd think
we'd be able to team up in decrying it. ;)

>> You got me trembling in my boots, man!  I now see the *real* danger
>> we're in, and it's thanks to NPR! (but just NPR)
> I see, it's all just black and white. Your side against mine and I am
> against everything you consider righteous. Or something like that.

Naw.  I'm not diametric.  I was just poking fun about this EMERGENCY
stuff regarding NPR.  I mean, come on.  Seriously?  SERIOUSLY?  pfft.

>> Sheesh.  Do you even read what you type?  How do you feel about CPB?
> The funny part is that I read what you right. I do admit it entertains me.

Excellent!  I'm replying from the bottom, up for this reply, just to
see how it feels.

I think you've got some good points sometimes, which you don't get
much credit for- probably because it's mixed in with, um, lower
quality stuff (I'm prone to do the same).

>> "Assumption" my ass.
>> /Don't stop now!/
>> There're few things as enjoyable as a good "you know what's *really*
>> going on? This!" type deal.
> And you're non-stop. You do realize that's what you do right?

Yes?  I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I recognize I'm a flawed
individual.  I try to make my flaws work for me though-- sorta like
some crazy version of judo.

>> Keep preach'n the truth, brother!  Someday we'll all look back and
>> say, "You know, Sam really saw through all the BS.  He was an unsung
>> bastion of reality.  If only we'd /listened/ to him more, and, for
>> instance, been *really* alarmed about that NPR deal, and how it proved
>> their bias, before we were led down this path of destruction by /All
>> Songs Considered/".
> That's already happened with Bush and Obama. At least most people
> realize I wasn't crazy all these years and have corrected their
> positio

Obama hasn't surprised me.  I had hope, for something even better, but
whatever.  He hasn't disappoint me as much as Bush, who, I might add,
*did* surprised me, but not in the good way.

I say we team up with the EFF.  Your side, my side, (or whatever we
represent) as one.  Let's get together.

Baby steps.  Eventually we'll tackle regulations/campaign reform, etc..


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