No. The difference is that the Bush government said that they were attacking
because Saddam presented a clear and present danger to the United States,
and had active weapons of mass destruction which he intended to use against
America and its allies.

This turned out to not be the case.

The above was the PRIMARY reason for the war, as stated by Bush and his
administration several times.

In stark contrast the World, via the UN, has stated that they are attempting
to protect the people of Libya after Gaddaffi stated that he would murder
them without mercy to retain control of the country.
And THAT is the primary reason for these attacks.

Let me break it down for you:

BUSH- PRIMARY REASON - Weapons of Mass Destruction/Funding Terrorism.
OBAMA/UN - PRIMARY REASON - Protect Libyans after Gaddaffi says he will kill
them without Mercy.

So those are the key differences, not that one is Obama and one is Bush.

And I would have thought after saying that Obama was weak, did not want to
take any firm military stance on any matters,
that you would be happy that he has decided on a definite, hawkish course of
action along with France, Egypt etc.

So you're upset when he doesn't attack and talks and negotiates ad nauseum,
and now you're upset when he does attack.

On 20 March 2011 05:33, Michael Dinowitz <> wrote:

> Saddam funded terrorists. Real stabilizing.
> So we have two insane tyrants, both supressing his people. The only
> difference is that that Iraq was under Bush (who can do no right)
> and Libya is under Obama (who can do no wrong).
> Oh, side question, what took our president so long to act on Libya when he
> was so fast on Egypt? Was Egypt less of a stabilizing presence in the area?

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