"I quoted definitions of 'submissive' from the dictionary...not sure how one
could skew that."

Oh, I am sure that you used the definition directly from the book.  Just
wonder if you do the same for all other candidates, issues, and so on.

Anyway, looking at the synonyms for submissive, you find: abject,
accommodating, acquiescent, amenable, bowing down, comformable, complying,
deferential, docile, domesticated, dutiful, giving-in, humble, ingratiating,
lowly, malleable, meek, menial, nonresistant, nonresisting, obedient,
obeisant, obeying, obsequious, passive, patient, pliable, pliant, resigned,
servile, slavish, subdued, tame, tractable, uncomplaining, unresisting,
yielding.  Some are bad, some not so much.  I bet the truth is somewhere in
the middle.

I don't follow MB or the submissive wife movement   Without spending a lot
of time researching it, I would imagine the submissive wife movement is like
"The Surrendered Life"

The "Surrendered Wives" movement is centered around six basic principles:

   1. a wife relinquishes control of her husband's life
   2. she respects his decisions for his life
   3. she practices good self-care (she does at least three things a day for
   her own enjoyment)
   4. she also practices receiving compliments and gifts graciously
   5. she practices expressing gratitude (thanking her husband for the
   things he does)
   6. a surrendered wife is not afraid to show her vulnerability and take
   the feminine approach

Link:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrendered_wife.

Reminds me of a quote I saw this a weekend:  "If a man makes a statement in
the woods and his wife isn't around to hear him, is he still wrong?"

I do believe that a man has a part to uphold in this submissive wife
movement too.  He has to treat his wife with dignity, respect, love, and so
on.  It's not just, "Hey bitch, get me a beer."

And then, when one considers MB's career, it is ludicrous the believe that
she has achieved all that she has while licking her husband's boot.

Anyway, if she wins, enjoy your expatriate status.  I think you'll be fine
though.  She's probably not going to win.

Regardless of who wins, I will be staying put.

Just as an aside, did you get married in a church?  Exchange vows?  What
were the vows?



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