Name calling is what's getting Paul movement in the polls. Foolishly
Gingrich said he would not go negative so he's open to heavy attack.

I think most of his supporters wouldn't vote R unless it was next to
his Paul's name anyway. No real loss if he defects just a bunch of
hardcore independents. What are they called extreme middle wing? But
they are extremists.


On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> Name calling isn't going to win the election. Paul has very substantial -
> and loyal - support. You want to see Obama defeated? Find a way to bring
> Paul's supporters into a Republican consensus. Alternatively, picture a
> scenario where Paul runs 3rd party and no single candidate gets enough
> electoral votes to win the election. Still a long-shot, but we are living
> in exceptional times. The establishment is underestimating the anger out
> there on Main Street.

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