Which is why I say Romney needs to bring Paul's supporters into the fold.
They have energy that is lacking in the rest of the field.
On Dec 20, 2011 3:01 AM, "Larry C. Lyons" <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Santorum? You are talking about the man whose name has become to mean
> a frothy mix of various .,. stuff. I'll let you google the rest.George
> Rockwell Lincoln dead and buried has a much better chance of becoming
> president. If there is any candidate that could fire up the Democratic
> Party base more than Bachmann he is it.
> Gingrich, that man as so much baggage, his name should be Pullman.
> This person was kicked out of the congress for ethics violations.
> Think of it, he was too unethical for Congress. That says something
> about the person. He has claimed to be a historian, yet gets so many
> things wrong about history in his writing. Frankly is he even
> trustworthy. He was screwing an aide while prosecuting Clinton for
> doing the same thing - and on top of it would go to groups like the
> Family Values Coalition decrying infidelity. during the mortgage
> crisis he was slamming Freddie and Mannie Mae while at the same time
> collecting 15 million in consulting fees. All the time saying he was
> not a lobbyist.
> Even Ron Paul when you start really looking into what he says and
> wants (and his writings) comes out less than stellar. For years his
> newsletter for instance was cited time and time again as a very racist
> rag, virulently anti-black and latino. Is that what you people want in
> a President?
> The fact is that the Republican clown car has so many bad candidates
> that even the best of the lot only polls a statistical tie with Obama.
> And that is despite the miserable performance of the economy, and
> Obama's kowtowing to the Republicans every chance he can get.
> I think the Republican party at this point could do much better by
> simply throwing in the towel on the current crop of loonies and get
> American Idol to do the choosing.
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Robert Munn <cfmuns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > So is Paul an irrelevant fringe candidate or Ross Perot II? He can't be
> > both.
> >
> > Look at the facts, Sam. All else being equal, Romney does not beat Obama
> > head to head. Gingrich could, I think, if he recovers from his
> precipitous
> > drop in the polls, but what are the odds he can keep it together for
> > another eleven months? Santorum can compete with the President on
> gravitas,
> > but he has a shortage of charisma when matched against Obama, who can
> turn
> > it on *big time* in the spotlight. Hunstman is Romney with more
> > international political experience and less name recognition, not a bad
> > thing, but not a winner. Bachmann is a Tea Party darling, but not a
> winner
> > at this level.
> >
> > And then there is Ron Paul. Despite lacking the shininess of the other
> > candidates, he is polling at the top in Iowa. He has intellectual heft
> and
> > consistency on his side. His positions leave him open to attack from the
> > mainstream, but those same positions provide him an incredibly solid base
> > of support. He is a terrible debater from a technical standpoint, but the
> > right debate coach could break his bad habits and turn him into an iron
> > hammer. He will continue to have money and a message. He isn't going away
> > anytime soon, so someone in the Republican establishment had better find
> a
> > way to bring his supporters into the fold.
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> You so confused.
> >> The Hardcore middle does not represent the Majority.
> >> The are a fringe like all other fringe groups.
> >> They can swing both ways or in neither direction. Do not confuse the
> >> with the mainstream.
> >>
> >> .
> >>
> >
> >
> >

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