So is Paul an irrelevant fringe candidate or Ross Perot II? He can't be

Look at the facts, Sam. All else being equal, Romney does not beat Obama
head to head. Gingrich could, I think, if he recovers from his precipitous
drop in the polls, but what are the odds he can keep it together for
another eleven months? Santorum can compete with the President on gravitas,
but he has a shortage of charisma when matched against Obama, who can turn
it on *big time* in the spotlight. Hunstman is Romney with more
international political experience and less name recognition, not a bad
thing, but not a winner. Bachmann is a Tea Party darling, but not a winner
at this level.

And then there is Ron Paul. Despite lacking the shininess of the other
candidates, he is polling at the top in Iowa. He has intellectual heft and
consistency on his side. His positions leave him open to attack from the
mainstream, but those same positions provide him an incredibly solid base
of support. He is a terrible debater from a technical standpoint, but the
right debate coach could break his bad habits and turn him into an iron
hammer. He will continue to have money and a message. He isn't going away
anytime soon, so someone in the Republican establishment had better find a
way to bring his supporters into the fold.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Sam <> wrote:

> You so confused.
> The Hardcore middle does not represent the Majority.
> The are a fringe like all other fringe groups.
> They can swing both ways or in neither direction. Do not confuse the
> with the mainstream.
> .

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