Robert Byrd repudiated his past and became a champion of the people and
civil rights.  Lyndon Johnson championed the Civil Rights Act.  Woodrow
Wilson?  Seriously?  Was Clinton ever found guilty of rape?  I would love
to see the court docs...  Ron Paul hasn't done any of that nor has he
claimed responsibility for these pamphlets and newsletters.  Ron Paul's
voting record shows that he hasn't changed the viewpoints expressed in
these newsletters.  Big difference.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:

> "Ron Paul is responsible for articles going out under his name and with his
> approval. Or don't you believe in personal responsibility?"
> Fine.  Barrack Obama is responsible for Eric Holder's racist decisions (not
> to mention the other cover ups).
> Now, how long does it take RP to be forgiven for these articles?
> How long did it take for Robert Byrd to be forgiven for being in the KKK?
>  For Ted Kennedy murdering a girl?  For Lyndon Johnson being a blatant
> racist?  For Woodrow Wilson being a blatant racist?  For Bill Clinton being
> a rapist?
> J
> -
> Nothing will take the place of persistence. Talent will not : Nothing is
> more common than unsuccessful people with talent . Genius will not :
> Unrewarded genius is a proverb. Education will not: The world is full of
> educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -
> Calvin Coolidge

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