Well, on just the government side of things he has proposed to
eliminate the Depts of Education, Housing and Urban Development,
Commerce, Interior, Education, Health and Human Services and the IRS.

>From his 2012 plan on his own website:

"Cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year of Ron Paul’s
presidency, eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD,
Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation
Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to
private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping
foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to
2006 levels."

Also from his website:

"Repeals ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Mandates
REINS-style requirements for thorough congressional review and
authorization before implementing any new regulations issued by
bureaucrats. President Paul will also cancel all onerous regulations
previously issued by Executive Order."


Dunno about you but that seems remotely reasonable to me, all charges
of racism aside. I mean, I think his support of virulent racists and
courting legitimately violent right wing loons in the past is
certainly worth bringing up and exploring. But, jesus, just look at
what he's saying he wants to do for the future.


On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
> " Ron Paul's
> voting record shows that he hasn't changed the viewpoints expressed in
> these newsletters.  Big difference. "
> Where can I find that info? I've been reading what Ron Paul's position is
> on a few things and it seems pretty reasonable. The only thing that really
> jumps out at me is the charge of racism.

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