On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Yes, Obama is Holder's boss, so he is responsible for his actions that happen
> as part of his job (though it is a Senate-confirmed position, so things are
> obviously slightly different but the same principle holds)."
> Good.
> "However, the two situations have absolutely nothing to do with each other
> :)"
> Well, the Holder situation is much more serious considering how the
> newsletter only effected a small population while Holder's racism can
> conceivably effect every US citizen.  So, they are a different.  Good catch.

Your reasoning only holds with a postulate that I reject: namely that
Holder is racist and his actions are racist.

So there you go. Pretty simple, really. You feel that Holder is
racist, therefore try to draw an equivalence. I feel that the
information that I've seen thus far to support such claims on the part
of people who make such claims is rather laughably thin. Rejecting
your postulate based on insufficient support leads to the collapse of
the rest of your hypothesis. Pretty basic math, Jerry.

> "Now I'm thinking about a LinkedIn profile that describes you as 'a high
> profile racist'. Marketing gold right there."
> And what would you base it on?  Is it racist to call a Black person racist?
>  Or is it the fact that I don't like Obama?  I hear the left spouting that
> one all of the time.

Either you deliberately took my statement in the wrong fashion or
perhaps I just did a poor job of making the statement in the first
place. I'm guessing it is the later, but tough to say.

What I said was a joke. Eric made a statement about "high profile
racists" and the high profile made me think about LinkedIn and lead me
down an amusing thought train to the absurdity of a LinkedIn profile
for someone like, say, Pat Robertson who might write (in this
absurdist play) a profile saying something like "I'm a high profile
racist known for effective agitation of poor, ignorant people and
being able to direct their anger at inappropriate but socially
convenient target groups".

Anyway, it was nothing more than amusement at the phrase "high profile racist".


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