according to some because he's black and a democrat that makes him racist.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> What has he (Holder) done that can be considered racist?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judah McAuley []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:43 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: FW: Report: Paul approved racist portions of newsletters
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>> "Yes, Obama is Holder's boss, so he is responsible for his actions
>> that happen as part of his job (though it is a Senate-confirmed
>> position, so things are obviously slightly different but the same
> principle holds)."
>> Good.
>> "However, the two situations have absolutely nothing to do with each
>> other :)"
>> Well, the Holder situation is much more serious considering how the
>> newsletter only effected a small population while Holder's racism can
>> conceivably effect every US citizen.  So, they are a different.  Good
> catch.
> Your reasoning only holds with a postulate that I reject: namely that Holder
> is racist and his actions are racist.
> So there you go. Pretty simple, really. You feel that Holder is racist,
> therefore try to draw an equivalence. I feel that the information that I've
> seen thus far to support such claims on the part of people who make such
> claims is rather laughably thin. Rejecting your postulate based on
> insufficient support leads to the collapse of the rest of your hypothesis.
> Pretty basic math, Jerry.
>> "Now I'm thinking about a LinkedIn profile that describes you as 'a
>> high profile racist'. Marketing gold right there."
>> And what would you base it on?  Is it racist to call a Black person
> racist?
>>  Or is it the fact that I don't like Obama?  I hear the left spouting
>> that one all of the time.
> Either you deliberately took my statement in the wrong fashion or perhaps I
> just did a poor job of making the statement in the first place. I'm guessing
> it is the later, but tough to say.
> What I said was a joke. Eric made a statement about "high profile racists"
> and the high profile made me think about LinkedIn and lead me down an
> amusing thought train to the absurdity of a LinkedIn profile for someone
> like, say, Pat Robertson who might write (in this absurdist play) a profile
> saying something like "I'm a high profile racist known for effective
> agitation of poor, ignorant people and being able to direct their anger at
> inappropriate but socially convenient target groups".
> Anyway, it was nothing more than amusement at the phrase "high profile
> racist".
> Cheers,

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