"I am pretty sure Hitler came across as pretty neurotic even in his
private life
;) "

Hitler was neurotic in his private life.  He did not come across as
neurotic in his early career though.  Plenty of world leaders and public
figures, including W. E. B. Dubois and FDR,  thought he was a okay.

"Mussolini I actually don't know much about -- besides who he was, of
course, and the fact that he got the trains to run on time :)"

Mussolini was very charismatic in the celebrity kind of way.  He was
admired by many world leaders, including FDR,  and the people of their
countries, including the USA.   Newspapers in the US wrote many flattering
articles and editorials about him. While remembered for fascism, his
fascism did not originally line Jews and minorities up for execution.  His
party had many high ranking officials who were Jewish.  It did not become
anti-semitic until Italy became a bit player in the war
and Mussolini needed Hitler's army to maintain power.



Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
- Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel,
go out and buy some more tunnel. - John Quinton

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