good point but this brings us back to the difference between a politician
with some power to make things happen and your next door neighbor
(especially if he's nine years old). Was Huckabee governor when he proposed

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 8:29 AM, GMoney <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Judah McAuley <
> >wrote:
> > The quarantine of people with AIDS though is the one that has always
> stuck
> > with me as being particularly cruel.
> >
> Looking back now, that certainly seems cruel...but I remember the fear that
> permeated through this country in the early days of the AIDS epidemic. I
> was 9 years old when my aunt got diagnosed with this disease that no one
> really knew about....had no idea how she got it....but they knew it was
> going to kill her.
> As a kid, that terrified me. I was worried when i left the house that i
> would get one really knew how it was transferred...if i touched
> the wrong thing, or shook the wrong guy's hand...would I be the next one to
> die and no one knew how or why?
> Now some of that is just the hyper fear of a young kid, but this sort of
> paranoia took hold across this nation too. As we learned more about it, the
> education helped allay some of those fears.....but as silly as a quarantine
> seems now, it would not have seemed so silly in those early years.

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