"Why poor people tend to stay poor"

In America right?  And the perpetually poor since many people start off
poor and move up (such as college graduates)?

If so, then there are a multitude of reasons.

Ignorance of money, credit, everyday banking, etc.

Reliance of government assistance without consequences.  That is, no
expectations  or no punishment for bad behavior.

A complicit government that does not hold people accountable for bad
behavior or force people to move off of assistance.

The proliferation of single parent families.

The inadequacy of the public school system.  Or maybe it's perfect adequacy
at keeping people in their place.

The consumerization of people who are not educated enough to fight off the
continual onslaught of adds telling people what they need to be happy.  The
poor have been turned into buying machines who believe happiness starts at
the wallet.

The loss of a purpose or the search of purpose.  That is, the loss of
religion (I am not specifying a specific religion either).

The loss of decent paying, low skill labor.  That is, the destruction of
manufacturing in our country.  I tend to blame the unions, minimum wage,
and government interference, while those on the other side will blame
something else. Either way, the jobs aren't here anymore.

The inability to plan for the future.  That is, people can plan for two
weeks down the road, let alone two years.

No ability to see their current state.  Some poor can't get out of the rut
because they don't see the rut.  They envision their life as it is and that
it will always be that way.  They don't understand that there can be a path
to the other side for themselves or at least their children because they
can't even see the other side.

I grew up very poor.  I was lucky in the sense that my public school was
excellent.  I got an outstanding education.  We did not have cable so I
didn't really get the media bombardment of adds.  However, I did come from
a single parent family who knew nothing about money or the value of an
education.  No one in my family ever attended college, let alone had a
degree, before me, so education was not a concern in my family.  There was
no money envy because we didn't know anybody with money. Fortunately, there
was no dependence on the government.  We did not participate in government
assistance programs so they never became a crutch.

Basically, I see a lot of similarities between the US and the Roman Empire.
 We have a huge population of poor who are fed by the government and
entertained by the arena (TV).  Listen to current pop songs and the
debauchery portraid in the songs would make Caligula blush.

Nothing good can come of this.



I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. — I
think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in
poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled
much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public
provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves,
and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for
them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer. - Benjamin

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