The released cell phone conversation that the victim had with his
girlfriend while he was walking back to his father's place makes it
pretty clear that it was not self defense. Zimmerman apparently
followed the kid for some distance as Martin was trying to get back to
his father's place. Moreover from the released tapes the kid was
terrified. While there was a scuffle I don't think that give
Zimmerman's following the kid etc., its more like he was going after
the kid.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Dana <> wrote:
> From what I have read/heard:
> possibly Zimmerman genuinely felt threatened.
> He actually sought out the confrontation. If you're that fearful, man,
> don't go following people with a gun in your hand.
> The kid was minding his own business and talking to a girl on his cell
> phone. He begged for his life. What kind of mind still feels threatened by
> a teenager who's saying don't shoot man, don't shoot? Possibly from the
> ground?
> The Stand Your Ground law may be ok legislation -- undecided still -- but
> this was clearly not the place to apply it and yes, there *should* be a
> civil rights investigation in Sanford because even worse than the murder is
> the fact that the Sanford police were like oh well shit happens.
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Vivec <> wrote:
>> I'm really curious if blacks start policing their neighbourhoods and
>> shooting white pedestrians whether this same defence would stand up to
>> scrutiny?
>> I am at a loss as to why this man has not been arrested.
>> "These assholes always get away..." ...get away with what? Buying skittles?
>> Here's a journalist's response , noting that regardless of what he wears
>> while walking down the street it's hardly likely that he will look
>> "suspicious". His reasoning is that it's just because he's white.
>> "I will never look suspicious to you. Even if I have a black hoodie, a pair
>> of jeans and white sneakers fact, that is what I wore yesterday...I
>> still will never look suspicious. No matter how much the hoodie covers my
>> face or how baggie my jeans are, I will never look out of place to you.  I
>> will never watch a taxi cab pass me by to pick someone else up. I will
>> never witness someone clutch their purse tightly against their body as they
>> walk by me.  I won't have to worry about a police car following me for two
>> miles, so they can "run my plates."  I will never have to pay before I eat.
>> And I certainly will never get "stopped and frisked."  I will never look
>> suspicious to you, because of one thing and one thing only.  The color of
>> my skin.  I am white.
>> Should this be categorised as a hate crime? Or is it just an honest
>> mistake?
>> After was a black 17 year old in a hoodie and what do you expect?

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