Yeah, I've seen "anti-war left now pro-warrior president left" bit
quite a lot. It really bugs me. The same folks who would be demonizing
Bush or McCain for taking out Bin Laden and then pushing the fact
during an election are trumpeting the same thing being done by Obama.
On the other hand, you've got all the guys on the right who are trying
to shame Obama for pointing out that he made the call to take out Bin
Laden when Bush was all 9/11 all the time in 2004 and showing up in a
flight suit on an aircraft carrier under a Mission Accomplished

So many people are seemingly into it to support "their guy" instead of
trying to support right and wrong and making things better.


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:04 PM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> Not a big fan of salon generally, but recently I have noticed that they are
> very upfront when dealing with the difference between reporting facts, and
> offering opinion.  They have even talked about how the formerly anti-war
> left has turned into the pro-warrior president left.  That was an
> interesting stor

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