On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:43 PM, LRS Scout <lrssc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The funniest thing about the loudest of the party loyalists is that they
> often don't understand their own parties beliefs, and just parrot whatever
> they are told.  From what I can see these are the ones that either blindly
> follow the party of their parents, or blindly rebelled by choosing the
> other party.

I tend to agree with that.

> The differences I see between parties at this point are pretty small in my
> mind.

On that matter, I think it depends on what issues you are looking at.
A lot of social issues, they are miles apart. In some areas of
economics, significant differences. When we are talking about privacy,
military-industrial funding, use of government power, deficit
spending, etc...yeah, not so much.


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